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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Days 3 - 6

Whew. Been a few days. Here's how excited I am to be back:

Smashing baby yeah

Day 3

The day started with Ashley's cousins graduation at the Methodist Central Hall, directly across from this:

Bells at the Abbey

Though we couldn't get into Westminster Abbey until the following day, we saw the outside of quite a few great buildings. 

This is as close as you're allowed to get to the guards. No wonder they never laugh at anyones' jokes.

And Parliament. This one you can get a lot closer to, but then it wouldn't fit in the frame.

                         Quite imposing                                         Downright frightening

Some of the statues outside of Parliament

Day 4

Day four we woke up early to catch the Queen!

A mounted band riding below a Union Jack. Is this my Britishiest image?

Joining the throngs of people to see the royal family drive by felt very weird (I felt the urge to rub dirt into my beard and clothes (like a peasant)). From there it was only a short walk to Westminster Abbey, which blew my mind. The sheer weight of history there put home in a very boring perspective for me.

This is the only picture I got to snap before they made me put my camera away.

Day 5

We didn't plan this day super well. We went to Shakespeare's reproduced Globe Theater, where we couldn't get inside due to a performance. Then to St. Paul's Cathedral, where we couldn't wander past the entryway, or take pictures inside due to a service (it was Sunday). I got these great pictures of the outsides though, so it was another one of those days.

The exterior of the Globe. I'm sure it's very nice in there.

 Nonplussed leaving The Globe

Nonplussed outside of the Cathedral

We saw La Boheme that evening though! So all was made well.

Day 6

Was still a couple days ago, but I must stop writing for the night. This computer is about to go dead and the place I'm typing in is closing. So, with even more brevity than before:

On day 6 we arrived in Vienna, this was a couple days ago. It's really hot here and, somewhat ironically, I caught a cold. Here's a shot from right outside our hotel:

This place is nuts

More soon!

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