We spent Dan's last day in New York. We met up with a friend from our undergrad (HI KATE) walked down to Battery Park before meeting up with Ashley's sister. We wanted to go see the WTC memorial, but even though it's free, it's incredibly crowded, so we were turned away.
I guess I didn't explain earlier that this is just the first installment of this blog, and really I made it for our upcoming Europe trip. We'll be spending 3 weeks backpacking around starting late June and going to early July, so expect to all sorts of cliched pictures of us sleeping on trains and holding up the leaning tower of Pisa (etc)
The next couple months for us will largely consist of spending time with family and getting gigs, getting up to New York when we can (and generally having a good time, I won't miss my three jobs)
Statue of Liberty. Ashley was eager to let us know that it's technically in New Jersey.
Battery Park
And Ashley and I spent St Patrick's day in Princeton AND IT SNOWED!
Aaron Burr's grave IN THE SNOW
Princeton Cemetery IN THE SNOW
I'm looking forward to spending a lot more time in New York, but I doubt I'll take a bunch of pictures the second time I go.
More updates as they come.
A European vacation is the natural sequel to a cross-country road trip. Just try to include some new material so it doesn't come off as a rehash.